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FORMLAB is a perfectly formulated program created to help meet your Fitness Goals in the most Fun & Effective Way

Be Prepared to Work Hard, Smile a Ton, and See The Results You’ve Been Looking For!

Fun+Fitness(Hard Work)=RESULTS

A HiTONE exclusive, this class gives you everything FormLab has to offer taught in a high energy circuit style format. Form50’s “formula” uses cutting-edge science and features movements that challenge total beginners to fitness warriors. We combine athletic movements like lunging and jumping with strength exercises such as push-ups and squats to work your body head to toe. Your FormLab instructor will expertly lead you through the workout challenging and inspiring you. You will be left with a sense of achievement and a smile after every class.

A HiTONE exclusive, this class gives you everything FormLab has to offer taught in a high energy circuit style format. Form50’s “formula” uses cutting-edge science and features movements that challenge total beginners to fitness warriors. We combine athletic movements like lunging and jumping with strength exercises such as push-ups and squats to work your body head to toe. Your FormLab instructor will expertly lead you through the workout challenging and inspiring you. You will be left with a sense of achievement and a smile after every class.

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This shortened version of Form50, allows you to get in, get sweaty, and get back to your day!