The HiTONE App . . . Everything You Need To Organize And Track Your Health And Wellness Journey

By Laura Profit, MS CPT, Vice President of Fitness, HiTONE Fitness

Whether you’ve been looking for the best fitness apps to keep you motivated or the best workout apps to switch up your routine, there are a lot of great options out there. Apps make it easy to take your workout anywhere—especially when you’re traveling, or even when life just gets too busy. The best apps also provide awesome motivation, whether you need more variety in your workouts, ultra-convenient ways to exercise, accountability buddies, or just a digital nudge to stay committed.

There are so many apps out there, however, that it can be overwhelming to know where to start. But once you find one that works for you and your goals, it can be easy to stay on track.  Look no further!  HiTONE Fitness is thrilled to launch our app that gives you the best of everything you need all in one place. 

The HiTONE Fitness app has everything you need to organize and track your health and wellness journey while taking advantage of all that HiTONE has to offer! 

  • Motivation to get you going and support your mindset.

  • Information on all the HiTONE Fitness clubs including contact information.

  • Training Plans with detailed workouts to give you a head-start when you’re hitting the gym on your own.

  • Activity Tracking to give you instant access to important information like “calories burned” and “distance” as well as award you with “Activity Points” on the HiTONE app.

    • Activity Points increase your activity level.

    • Shoot for the Gold Level. It represents the World Health Organization’s recommendations for regular activity to prevent major diseases.

    • When you track your progress and achieve higher levels, you’ll see the new benefits you’re attaining like Longevity and Stronger Bones.

  • Potential to connect your other apps to keep your workout tracking as accurate as possible. Include apps like:

    • Apple Health

    • Peleton

    • Fitbit

    • Garmin

    • MapMyFitness

    • Misfit

    • MyFitnessPal

    • Polar

    • Precor

    • Runkeeper

    • And many more!

  • Check your Progress regularly to see your Gym Ranking as well as your BioAge.

  • Stay in the know with your Club’s Challenges to earn fun prizes and stay motivated.

We are thrilled to offer our members this app and hope you use it as one of HiTONE’s many tools to be “your best you!”


McClaran S. R. (2003). The effectiveness of personal training on changing attitudes towards physical activity. Journal of sports science & medicine, 2(1), 10–14.


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